My Results of Thoughtfully Seeking
Honestly Seeking The Truth Leads to DiscoveryI have hope. I have assurance. I have purpose.
The peace and hope I have is indescribable, but I will try to explain it.
Have you ever felt the warmth of a loved one's embrace? The pleasure of a warm ray of sunshine on your face? The peace after a long run or a day full of accomplishments? Multiply that by 100...that is what it is like when you find and experience the peace of God. You see, I know the end of the story of human existence. I know who wins. Nothing you or I do will change that, it is all a matter of time. There is a peace in that. But that is not the best peace. The best peace, as I said, it indescribable. THAT peace resides in your heart, when you have the assurances that come from knowing God. I wish that peace on everyone, no matter how "bad" no matter how "good" some might say you are...I wish you God's peace. Even though I don't know you, I wish you peace. What in the world would make me desire peace for you? It makes no logical sense - but it's not logic, it's love. |
When God places His love in your heart, deep in your heart...when you soul awakens for the first time and communes with your mind, and both agree they love God, and God communes with you, your soul, your is a powerful force. It changes you, forever. You become, new.
Some people think those that have "found" God are "good" because they have to be. Nope. They are "good" because they want to be...because the love God shows them makes them want to love Him back...and makes them want to love others. And THAT is why I love you and wish you the greatest peace any human has ever known. You can have it. Right now. Click Get Started to take the next step in your journey to find the purest peace, the purest love, the true purpose of your life. This is all just a click away...what are you waiting for? I work hard to help people, not because I have to, but because I want to. God did that. God changed me. God changes many people every minute, every hour, every day. Don't miss your change moment. Make a change for the better today. The choice is yours. Choose this day what is pure, what is right, what brings peace. |
Take a seat at the table: when you find a universe truth, you will knowHave a question? Or, just want to tell us about yourself? Click on the survey button.
Your Life Can Change, but You Must Act |
There is hope. There always was.